True aneurysm in autologous hemodialysis fistulae: definitions, classification and indications for treatment
True aneurysm in autologous hemodialysis fistulae: definitions, classification and indications for treatment
J Vasc Access 2015; 16(6): 446 - 453
Article Type: REVIEW
Peter Balaz, Martin Björck
Definition, etiology, classification and indication for treatment of the arteriovenous access (AVA) aneurysm are poorly described in medical literature. The objectives of the paper are to complete this information gap according to the extensive review of the literature.
A literature search was performed of the articles published between April 1, 1967, and March 1, 2014. The databases searched included Medline and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The eligibility criteria in this review studies the need to assess the association of aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms with autologous AVA. Aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms involving prosthetic AVA were not included in this literature review. From a total of 327 papers, 54 non-English papers, 40 case reports and 167 papers which did not meet the eligibility criteria were removed. The remaining 66 papers were reviewed.
Based on the literature the indication for the treatment of an AVA aneurysm is its clinical presentation related to the patient’s discomfort, bleeding prevention and inadequate access flow. A new classification system of AVA aneurysm, which divides it into the four types, was also suggested.
AVA aneurysm is characterized by an enlargement of all three vessel layers with a diameter of more than 18 mm and can be presented in four types according to the presence of stenosis and/or thrombosis. The management of an AVA aneurysm depends on several factors including skin condition, clinical symptoms, ease of cannulation and access flow. The diameter of the AVA aneurysm as a solo parameter is not an indication for the treatment.
The creation of an autologous arteriovenous access (AVA) is a frequent surgical procedure in patients with end-stage kidney disease (1). While the creation of the AVA belongs to core vascular surgery, the primary patency rate at five years is only 40-50% and the need for re-intervention is high (2). In contrast to other clearly described AVA complications, aneurysm formation is still poorly described in recent literature. In studies of hemodialysis patients the frequency of aneurysm formation varies considerably between 6% and 60% (3, 4). Also, the indication for the treatment and type of intervention varies among the authors. This heterogeneity results from the insufficient current international guidelines (K/DOQI-Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative, SVS-Society of Vascular Surgery North-America, VAS-Vascular Access Society) (1, 5, 6) regarding the AVA aneurysm. The objectives of the present paper are to close this information gap: definition, mechanism of development, classification, indications and type for treatment of AVA aneurysm, based on an extensive review of the literature.
Materials and methods
Even if this review does not meet all the criteria of the PRISMA statement (7) for systematic reviews, the main recommendations for a search of the literature were followed for the purpose of the present review.
Literature search
A literature search was performed of the articles published between April 1, 1967, and March 1, 2014. The databases searched included Medline (via PubMed) and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Articles with the descriptor “Aneurysm” AND “Arteriovenous” AND “Hemodialysis” with a prior checking in the MeSH database including synonyms were searched. All sub-headings were included in the searches. After identifying suggested titles, the corresponding abstracts were read online to select articles for printing and for further analysis. Reference lists from the included publications and relevant literature reviews were also examined. All literature reviews were done by the principal author.
Eligibility criteria
Only publications in English were included. For inclusion in this review, studies needed to have assessed the association of true aneurysm with autologous AV hemodialysis access. Papers focusing only on prosthetic AV access were excluded. Papers reporting a mix of aneurysm and pseudoaneurysm of autologous and prosthetic AV access were carefully analyzed and data regarding autologous AV access were used for the review.
Study selection
From a total of 327 papers, 54 non-English papers, 40 case reports and 167 papers which did not meet the eligibility criteria were removed. The remaining 66 papers were reviewed.
Definition of AVA aneurysm
The Society for Vascular Surgery defines a true aneurysm as a circumscribed dilatation of all three vessel layers in contrast to a pseudoaneurysm which represents a focal dilatation of the vessel wall by neointimal and fibrous tissue (5). Autologous AVA can be complicated by both aneurysm and pseudoaneurysm formation (5). In the current K/DOQI guidelines an aneurysm is defined as an abnormal blood-filled dilation of the blood vessel wall, resulting from disease of the vessel wall, and pseudoaneurysm is a vascular abnormality that resembles aneurysm but the outpouching is not limited by a true vessel wall, but rather by an external fibrous tissue (1). In the current guidelines of the Vascular Access Society, a recommendation regarding aneurysm and pseudoaneurysm is lacking (6). An interesting expert definition was proposed by Vesely (8) who recommended using the term aneurysm for the autologous AVA only when the etiological factor is showing increased intraluminal pressure due to distal stenosis, and Vesely goes on to recommend using the term pseudoaneurysm when etiology was due to a degeneration of the vein wall, from repeated cannulation trauma. Even if this definition seems logical, it is difficult to use in clinical practice, since often both etiological factors are present.
Basing the definition of AVA aneurysm on size is controversial, and there is no precise size criterion in the current guidelines. While the diameter of the aneurysm is a criterion for treatment of arterial aneurysms, it is not necessarily a criterion for the treatment of access aneurysms that develop in AVA.
Most previous published reports defined an AVA aneurysm based upon size (Tab. I). The definition can be subjective such as two to three times larger than the diameter of the normal vein, or objective such as a diameter larger than 20 mm. However, management of an AVA aneurysm is determined by clinical signs and symptoms, not a specific size.
Retrospective studies which describe the treatment of AVA aneurysm (as-assisted primary patency, °studies including also prosthetic AVA)
Year published
No pts with AVA aneurysm of native access
Size criterion of aneurysm
Aneurysm diameter (mm)
Forearm location
Upper arm location
Treatment techniques
AVA = arteriovenous access; PTFE = polytetrafluoroethylene.
According to the K/DOQI guidelines, the recommended diameter of a usable fistula is 6 mm (1), which represents a more than threefold diameter of a normal autologous vein (9, 10). In the literature review the treated aneurysm varies between 19.5 and 80 mm (Tab. I), representing more than three times the enlargement of the recommended diameter of a AVA vein. On the basis of these findings we suggest the following definition: “AVA aneurysm is a dilatation of all three vein layers with a minimal diameter of 18 mm” which represents three times the enlargement of a vein in a maturated AVA (3 × 6 mm = 18 mm) (Fig. 1).
Mechanism of aneurysm development
The process of AVA aneurysm formation probably starts at the time of the creation of the AV access. This was confirmed by Martin et al (11), who studied the hemodynamic and geometric maturation of brachial AV accesses prospectively. Both the cephalic vein and the brachial artery increased their diameter from 2.29 to 6.31 mm, and from 3.76 to 5.39 mm, respectively, over an eight-week period post-surgery. The AVA thus generates a large pressure gradient between the high-pressure inflow artery and the low-resistance outflow vein, deviating an increased flow volume through the fistula (12). This combination of a low venous outflow resistance and the great ability of distention of the venous wall makes the arterialized vein capable of creating high flow rates under low pressure gradients (13). Thus, the venous arm of the fistula becomes tortuous under the arterial pressure because distention occurs both laterally and distally, and it is not stretched axially (14).
Another effect of the high blood flow in the vein is venous wall re-modeling (15). A physical explanation of this situation is well described by Laplace‘s law (T = P.R/t, T - wall tension, P - pressure, R - radius of the vessel, t - vessel thickness), when the wall tension is directly related to the radius of the vessel and intra-vessel pressure. Additionally, as the vessel dilates and the diameter enlarges, the wall tension increases, causing further vein dilation.
Central vein stenosis, usually as a result of prolonged central venous catheterization, is another hemodynamic factor leading to increased venous pressure, thus accelerating the aneurysm formation. In a study by Rajput et al (16), 78% of patients with symptomatic AVA aneurysms, which they defined as a focal dilatation of the outflow vein diameter greater than two times the normal caliber of the adjacent normal fistula vein segment, had a central vein stenosis requiring angioplasty. In the study by Shemesh et al (17) all patients (n = 20) with aneurysmal AVA treated with a stent graft had central vein stenoses. On the other hand, Berard et al (18) in a cohort of 38 patients found a concomitant central vein stenosis in only five patients (13%), and Pasklinsky et al (19) reported on 23 patients of whom four (17%) were found to have outflow vein stenosis. This discrepancy may be due to the fact that the fistulography and the assessment of the central venous system is not routinely performed in all patients, but only in candidates for stent grafting or if pre-operative US (ultrasound) assessment demonstrated an impairment of the fistula outflow due to the central vein stenosis.
Local irritation of the vein wall as a result of repeated cannulation during hemodialysis causes local tissue injury, necrosis and scaring, leading to a weakening of the vein wall. This small tissue defect in the cannulated part of the vein is sealed by fibrin plugs and subsequently replaced by connective tissue and accumulated to expand to the circumference of the puncture segments. In a retrospective study of 108 hemodialysis patients, in whom the “button hole” technique was used, the vascular diameters of the punctured segments were larger than those of the reference segments (20).
Classification of AVA aneurysm
To date, a classification system for AVA aneurysm is still lacking. We suggest that for a correct description, the following items be defined: (a) diameter (≥18 mm), (b) type of AVA, (c) definition of vein where aneurysm is present, (d) number of aneurysms and (e) type of aneurysm.
The type of AVA must be correctly defined according to the suggested nomenclature in the clinical practice recommendation of SVS (21). AVA aneurysms often occur along cannulation zones but can also occur in a non-cannulated outflow vein. A patient with a brachiocephalic fistula can develop a basilic vein aneurysm.
The types of AVA aneurysm are defined according to the presence of stenosis or thrombosis identified with ultrasonography or fistulography. We suggest dividing these into the four types (Fig. 2).
Indications for treatment of AVA aneurysm
According to the K/DOQI guidance it is recommended that asymptomatic aneurysms of hemodialysis accesses do not require intervention and can be managed by abandoning cannulation of the aneurysmatic areas (1). Recently, the buttonhole technique of access cannulation has been recommended as a method which significantly reduces the existing aneurysm enlargement (22). An accurate definition of when the intervention is necessary is still lacking. Management is determined by an assessment of the skin condition, clinical signs and symptoms, ease of cannulation and functionality of the AVA. The diameter of the AVA aneurysm is not an indication for the treatment.
The main indication for treatment of an AVA aneurysm is its clinical presentation. Three main indications were identified through the literature search. A patient may have more than one indication for treatment.
Group A - related to patient discomfort
Pain overlying aneurysm is a rare symptom which may occur as a result of compression of a peripheral nerve by the aneurysm and the differential diagnosis is complicated by the high incidence of concomitant uremic or diabetic polyneuropathy (23). Therefore, other systemic causes must be excluded when the surgical treatment is under consideration. The reconstruction of an aneurysmal AVA for cosmetic reasons must be carefully considered and discussed with the patient with a focus on an explanation of the potential postoperative complications. Generally, the cosmetic aspect alone in an otherwise asymptomatic aneurysm is not an indication for the treatment.
Group B - related to bleeding prevention
Bleeding from an aneurysmal AVA is a severe and potentially lethal complication (24). This occurs most frequently after the hemodialysis needles have been removed, or can be spontaneous following rupture or a traumatic injury (which is rare). The predisposing factors for aneurysm bleeding are: thinning or erosion of the overlying skin layer resulting in fistula exposure, compromised skin with or without inflammation, a rapidly expanding aneurysm, hypertension, intra-access pressure, anticoagulations, ipsilateral extremity edema and prolonged bleeding time after the hemodialysis needle is removed. Bleeding can be present in all types of aneurysmal access except for type IV, in which the venous arm of the fistula is occluded with thrombus. In all patients with active bleeding and where the previously mentioned signs exist, immediate surgery is essential. In the case of acute bleeding associated with hemorrhagic shock, the ligation of access is the first, lifesaving procedure and the new hemodialysis access is usually constructed during the recovery period.
Group C - related with access flow
Inadequate blood flow may result in inadequate dialysis and is caused by impaired arterial inflow (25) or venous outflow stenosis between aneurysms, as well as lesions within the anastomotic area or in the central vein. The commonly used parameter to characterize the hemodynamic relevance of a stenosis is a reduction in vessel diameter exceeding 50% based on angiographic and/or US findings (1). A low flow is associated with aneurysm types II and III where the hemodynamic significant stenosis ≥50% is present according our suggested classification (Fig. 2). No flow through the fistula is associated with type IV, where the thrombus occludes the fistula. The treatment is focused on the lesion responsible for the low flow, which in the first instance would usually be by angioplasty of the stenosis in type II. In cases when the aneurysm is present with a risk of bleeding combined with stenosis an open surgical approach is recommended, although a covered stent is also an alternative with or without angioplasty. In type III the resection of aneurysm and replacement with venous or prosthetic conduit or aneurysmorrhaphy is recommended.
High-flow aneurysmal AV access may result in high-output congestive cardiac failure (CHF), or arterial steal syndrome. In the literature there are several studies focused on the treatment of high-flow aneurysmatic AVA (18, 34, 46). The largest study was published by Rokosny et al. where 24 (39%) patients were treated by aneurysmorrhaphy due to high-flow aneurysmatic AVA. The mean flow reduction was 2,197 mL/min AVA (34). Unfortunately, the precise definition when the high-flow aneurysmatic AVA is at risk for the development of CHF is not stated.
Generally, CHF is defined as the combination of high cardiac output (CO) with physical findings of systematic or pulmonary congestions, when CO in adults is >8 L/min or a cardiac index >3.9/min/m2 (26).CHF is present in more than one-third of new dialysis patients (27) and pulmonary hypertension was described as having a 40-50% incidence in patients starting hemodialysis (28). The first study that examined the effect of AV access on CO published by Cohen et al showed that at baseline the patients with AV access had elevated CO (5.1 to 7.9 L/min) (29). Currently, there is no definition of when access flow (Qa) is too high. The concept of using the ratio Qa/CO (cardiopulmonary recirculation, CPR) has been proposed by Pandeya and Lindsay in their study of stable long-term HD patients. They found that the average Qa was 1.6 L/min and the average CO was 7.2 L/min, thus describing an average CPR of 22% (30). It has long been known that an AVA with an inappropriately high flow rate may be the cause of high-output HF (31, 32). According to the SVS Clinical practice guidelines for the placement and maintenance of arteriovenous hemodialysis access, the threshold for the upper limit of flow in most AVA is 2.5 L/min (5). MacRae et al suggested that the risk of high-flow access on the cardiac function would be entertained when the flow rate is >3 L/min or Qa/CO ≥ 30% (31). At present, no precise criteria exist for the preemptive treatment of patients with a high-flow aneurysmal AVA . We recommend treatment for all patients with aneurysmatic AVA with Qa >2.5 L/min who are in stage C (patients with current or past clinical heart failure) or in stage D (patients with end-stage refractory heart failure, who are candidates for extraordinary forms of therapy or for compassionate end-of-life care) classified according to the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) (33).
In asymptomatic patients we recommend the preemptive treatment in aneurysmal high-flow AVA when Qa > 3.0 L/min or Qa/CO ≥ 30% or cardiac index >5.0 L/min/m2.
Conservative treatment is indicated if an AVA is asymptomatic (indication group A). Conservative treatment consists of avoiding aneurysmatic areas for cannulation and using the modified buttonhole cannulation technique, which was recently proposed as a solution for fistulae with aneurysmal dilatations (35). Treatment is recommended for symptomatic AVA, which are presented with bleeding risk (indication group B) and with an inadequate flow (indication group C). Indications for treatment have already been discussed above.
For symptomatic aneurysmatic AVA, numerous case reports and small case series studies regarding treatment have been published. Several techniques have been proposed, including resection, a remodeling technique, stent grafting, resection with substitution, aneurysmorraphy or ligation. Each technique has advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, there are no randomized control trials, and it is difficult to compare different treatment modalities with an evidence-based approach. The main results are summarized in Table I, which represents all retrospective studies focused on the treatment of AVA aneurysm, published between April 1, 1967, and March 1, 2014. The resection of an aneurysm can be performed using either prosthetic or autologous (autogenous) material. The largest study was published by Georgiadis et al (36), in which an aneurysmal vein was resected and replaced with a prosthetic conduit in 24 patients with a 12-month primary patency of 57%. In a study by Pasklinsky et al (19), seven patients were treated by excision and repair using the great saphenous vein, and three patients by excision and repair with prosthetic material. The median follow-up was 19 months, and the primary patency rate at 12 months was 46.7%. The advantage of these techniques is the possibility of treating all types of access aneurysms, including those with thrombosis (Type III, IV), but these require that sufficient proximal and distal vein segment is free from thrombosis to allow the construction of end-to-end or end-to-side anastomoses. Additionally, the prosthetic conduit can be cannulated earlier rather than after an autogenous graft or a remodeling technique. The major disadvantages of the synthetic graft include increased risks of thrombosis and infection, compared to an autogenous graft (37).
The remodeling technique (partial aneurysmectomy—resection only of part of the aneurysmatic sac, plication, aneurysmorrhaphy—resection of aneurysmatic parts of the vein, reinforced aneurysmorrhaphy—resection of the aneurysmatic part and supporting of the vein with mesh external prosthesis), utilizes the native vein so the character of the fistula is preserved. Almehmi and Wang (38) treated 36 patients with partial aneurysmectomy, originally described in aortic and other aneurysms by Matas who named this technique aneurysmorraphy (39). Almehmi and Wang reported a primary patency rate for the fistula of 56% at 6 months (38). Their mean follow-up time was only 7.1 ± 4.8 months, however. A reinforced aneurysmorrhaphy with an external mesh prosthesis was developed by Balaz et al (40) and later tested by Berard et al (18) in 33 patients with an assisted primary patency of 93% at 12 months. The largest series in 62 patients was reported by Rokosny et al (34) with a primary patency of 86% at 6 months (the mean follow-up time was 14.66 ± 12.80 months). Even when the reinforced aneurysmorrhaphy uses a prosthetic support the infection rate is lower than 5% (18, 34).
Woo et al (41) performed an aneurysmorrhaphy without an external mesh prosthesis in 19 patients, with a median follow-up of 23 months. They observed a median primary patency of 14 months. The effect of the external support of the weakened vein after aneurysmorrhaphy for maintaining the patency is not clear, and more comparative studies are needed. The aneurysmorrhaphy technique should be used for the treatment of aneurysm type I and II. In patients with a high-flow fistula aneurysmorrhaphy can be accompanied by a reduction of the arterial anastomosis or with reposition of AV anastomosis to a low-flow artery (18, 34). Other remodeling salvage techniques described in the literature include plication (36) and lateral venorrhaphy with a stapler (40, 42). Unfortunately, the study populations of these studies are very small, the follow-up is short and the patency and complication rates are not described clearly.
There has been a rapid increase in the use of endovascular techniques in vascular surgery incorporated into the management of AVA. The first reported successful use of a covered stent to treat AVA aneurysm was reported by Allaria et al in 2002 (43).Recently, Shemesh et al (17) described the use of stent grafts to treat nine graft access pseudoaneurysms and 11 AVA aneurysms with a functional patency rate of 87% at 12 months and a median follow-up of 15 (6.3-55.5) months. Although their patency rate is comparable to the previously described techniques, they excluded patients with steal syndrome, aneurysms close to the anastomosis and large aneurysms lacking a stent graft sealing zone. The advantage of using a stent graft is that it can be performed as an outpatient procedure and early venipuncture is encouraged to allow the patient an uninterrupted dialysis regimen (44, 45). Based upon the available evidence, the stent graft should be considered in patients with type I, II and III aneurysms, without presence of infection.
Ligation should be considered when the previously described salvage technique is unsuccessful or acute bleeding in an unstable patient occurs. Another indication is a patient who is successfully treated with a renal transplantation with the expectation of a good long-term function.
AVA aneurysm is characterized by an enlargement of all three vessel layers with a diameter of more than 18 mm and can be presented in four types (I-IV) according to the presence of stenosis and/or thrombosis. In contrast to arterial aneurysm, the diameter of the AVA aneurysm is not an indication for treatment; this is based on the clinical status of the patient with bleeding prevention and inadequate access flow. According to AVA aneurysm symptoms, we divided the aneurysm on asymptomatic and symptomatic AVA aneurysm. In an asymptomatic aneurysm a conservative treatment is recommended using the buttonhole cannulation technique, which reduces the further development of an aneurysm. In a symptomatic aneurysm several techniques have been suggested. Even though we lack evidence regarding which surgical treatment option is the method of choice, we recommend as a first-line option a technique which utilizes the native vein so that the character of the AVA is preserved. Recently, the best long-term results were achieved by using aneurysmorrhaphy with or without a prosthetic support. The replacement of an aneurysm with autogenous or prosthetic conduit is also another option showing good long-term results; however, the complication rate is higher than in the technique using the native vein. Finally, using a stent graft is an elegant and non-invasive method for the treatment of aneurysmatic AVA. The main limitation in using this technique is that the aneurysm must have an adequate “sealing zone” for the stent graft and there is a relatively high cost for the stent graft. Generally stent grafting of an AVA aneurysm as a quick and non-invasive technique is recommended for urgent treatment in bleeding patients who are at high risk. Further research is warranted and we expect that the suggested classification system of AVA access, which is the first classification in this field, may facilitate comparisons of different study cohorts in the future.
Symptomatic high-flow radiocephalic AVA aneurysm (a), symptomatic rapidly expanding brachiocephalic AVA aneurysm (b), asymptomatic radiocephalic AVA aneurysm (c). AVA = arteriovenous access.
Suggested classification of arteriovenous access aneurysm. Type I—without stenosis and thrombosis; Type II—with hemodynamic significant stenosis (≥50%) (A) in inflow artery, (B) at arterial anastomosis, (C) along cannulation zone, (D) in the central vein; Type III—with partial thrombosis occluding ≥50% of the lumen.; Type IV—with complete thrombosis.
We thank Chris Gibbons, MA DPhil MCh FRCS, Swansea, UK, for his critical review of the manuscript.
Financial support: None.
Conflict of interest: None.
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Department of Transplantation, Renal Unit, Guy’s Hospital, London - UK
Vascular and Transplant Surgery Department, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague - Czech Republic
Department of Surgery, Faculty Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady, 3rd Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague - Czech Republic
Department of Surgical Sciences, Vascular Surgery, Uppsala University, Uppsala - Sweden
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