Journal of Vascular Access 2000; 1: 112 - 115 |
Rare complications during surgical vein cannulation in extremely low birthweight neonates |
P. Gamba1, P. Midrio1, N. Tommasoni1, F. Verlato2, G. Verlato3
1Department of Pediatric Surgery, University of Padua, Padua - Italy
2Angiology Service, University of Padua, Padua - Italy
3Department of Pediatrics, University of Padua, Padua - Italy
Extremely low birthweight neonates often require total parenteral nutrition by central venous catheterization.The technique of choice is the percutaneous cannulation via the basilica or cephalic vein; in particular cases, these peculiar patients need a cut down catheterization. This paper describes some unusual complications
of this surgical approach.
Key Words. central vein catheter, Extremely low birthweight neonates, Total parenteral nutrition