What is happening in the world of vascular access? Research and innovations are flowing through
What is happening in the world of vascular access? Research and innovations are flowing through
J Vasc Access 2012; 13(3): 269 - 270
Eric S. Chemla
Vascular access perfectly reproduces myointimal hyperplasia that can be found in coronary or peripheral arteries and has a major advantage that these other sites cannot match: it is quite superficial and not close to a major vital organ and also affects a population that will attend the hospital for dialysis on a very regular basis. It therefore appears obvious to try and develop a tool that will mitigate myointimal hyperplasia and that could later be tested on coronary or peripheral arteries. Over the past few years several trials have been organized and we are now at a stage where some results have become available.
Article History
- • Accepted on 15/01/2012
- • Available online on 06/03/2012
- • Published in print on 28/09/2012
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Chemla, Eric S. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
Renal transplant and vascular access unit, St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, London - UK